I Did That?

     I’ve never been one to keep track of belts and tournament results.  I was just happy training, competing, and living life with my two sons, Michael and Joe.  However, I realize that there are people out there wondering, “Who is that crazy chick?”  So, I’m trying to compile a list of sorts of things I’ve done.

  1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Jeff Messina
    1. Rank – White belt in 2009
    2. Tournaments
      1. First tournament I won first place.
        1. First fight won by Ezekiel Choke from mount.
        2. Second fight won by Ezekiel Choke from side control.
      2. Second tournament I won first place.
        1. First fight won by Ezekiel Choke from side control.
        2. Second fight won by Triangle Choke from my back.
  2. Tae Kwon Do – ITF
    1. Rank – Black Belt in 2008
    2. Tournaments
    3. Competition Team Coach
  3. Karate – Wado Ryu and American Sport Karate
    1. Rank – Green or Purple?  Like I said, I really didn’t care about belts.
    2. Tournaments
    3. Demonstration Team
  4. Other martial arts that I’ve dabbled in are as follows:
    1. TKD – WTF
    2. Kempo
    3. Judo
    4. Boxing
    5. Wrestling
  5. Weapons that I’ve been trained to use (I’m not very good at these).
    1. Guns – Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns
    2. Sling shot
    3. Whip
    4. Bow and arrow
    5. Knives
    6. Bo staff
    7. Kamas
    8. Escrimba stick
    9. Weird one here – I was trained to use everyday items as weapons.

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