It’s Fenom-inal

     I’ve come to the realization that it’s time to retire my black Karate gi.  😦  It has been with me for close to twenty years.  The logo on the back is faded, and there are bleach spots on the front.  But it is still intact.  There are no rips or holes.  It’s got a nice snap to it when I do kicks and punches.  Very important for a Karate gi.  It’s heavier than your regular Karate gi, because it was my Demo Team gi.  On the Demo Team we did a lot of throws and take downs.  Therefore, we had to have a strong gi.  However, it’s not as heavy as a BJJ gi, which is nice in the hot humid summers of Houston.  But it’s a Karate gi and I now train in BJJ.  I have a BJJ gi, but it’s not the same. 

     I searched the internet far and wide for a new gi.  The most helpful place was Megjitsu .  She does an excellent job of reviewing gis and other fight wear for women.  The company I liked the most was Fenom, because of what they stand for.  I chose their Fenom Lotus Gi.  It really is as soft as they say it is!  Even though it’s soft, it’s still made very well with nice heavy fabric.  (I think I may have a new favorite gi.)  The Lotus gi should last as long as my black Karate gi.  Speaking of black gi’s, Fenom also has a black gi and a royal blue one.  I know where my next pay check is going…  😉

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7 Responses to It’s Fenom-inal

  1. bjjJunkie says:

    I own the Royal Blue and Black one from Fenom. They are awesome! The black one is getting a revamp on design, but will be out in JUNE! (i tried to order more) I completely recommend these gis. Love the rip stop pants that were with the blue. the canvas with the black. plus customer service is awesome!

  2. Pingback: Is That Gi Worthy of You? | Combat Sports Review Blog

  3. Pingback: A Butt Grabbing Badass Status!!! | Combat Sports Review Blog

  4. fenomkimonos says:

    Thanks Jodi!

    Fenom Kimonos

  5. Pingback: A Butt Grabbing Badass Status!!! | Combat Sports Review

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